maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2013

The Official Sims 3 WTF list

Remember that these are all screenshots from the actual Sims 3 game and haven't been photoshopped.

I have been treating my plantsim like a royalty and this is how he pays me?!
Can't believe this! A plantsim suicide...

Right... I know that hygiene is important but this is also a bit disturbing

Had some Indian food...

This is not how I imagined medical students to practice their skills!

This might not look so bad at first but isn't it sort of cannibalism
for a plantsim to bite a stick? (by MountainUp)

She scares me... and what's the point of this action? (By Soge)

I thought I just bought myself the best possible bed in the whole game
(that flying one). Apparently I was wrong... I'm also not sure what the bed stole
from me last night and I'm too afraid to ask

There is no words to desribe this screenshot.
She can't be doing what it looks like she's doing...

The night of sleeping dead?

And the mother of the year goes to...

I do love her but sometimes she creeps me out

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