I came up with this blog idea after going through my computers Sims 3 file and finding almost 600 screenshots. Most of them were boring proposal and birthday pictures of sims I can't even remember creating but thanks to the hundreds and hundreds of hours I have played this game I found some amazing shots that just needs to be shared in public. Here is a few of them:
This one I think has all the potential to be one of the greatest
romantic moments in history. Just like that hand in Titanic or
the kiss in Spiderman. This just has it all: jacuzzi, heart
made of bubbles and a foot...
Maybe I should rename her to Alicia because this girl really is on fire
A breakfast with a werewolf
After walking on water this horse wasn't honored by sims or other horses.
He didn't even get a carrot! Though this is the only time I know when sim
world has sucked
Okay I lied... If this poor raccoon considers this as a party
his life can't be too great either
This really was one serious fire
This little girl is trying to look away when her mother is walking past.
This mother really should stop walking around in a nip or at least change
her weird shaving habits. Or else their life might get really tricky when
the daughter is a teenager...
Yeah, it really has to be you, love. Because I showered before going out